Thursday, June 5, 2014

Finding My Way

I have to admit the last two days have been very difficult. I have felt so many emotions, and, at times, so lost (both literally and figuratively in this new city). The communication barriers in Cuenca are overwhelming—from not being able to communicate effectively in Spanish with my homestay family, to feeling completely cutoff from home with no internet or phone. You always think you are more independent than you are but it really takes a vulnerable situation to truly find out. And that is what I have found myself in… From getting my new glasses stolen, to finding myself lost as it turned dark, I have had my moments where I didn’t know if I was cut out for Ecuador…

 Luckily though, my homestay family has been more than wonderful (even if I can’t speak to them as eloquently as I would like). Tuesday morning, we all took Emilio to his kindergarten where I met all his fellow 5 year old classmates all dressed in matching track suits reading an animal book together yelling “conejo!” . You know, coming to Ecuador I didn’t expect such a high regard for education, but, in Cuenca especially, there is a school on almost every block and it is expected that all children go to school. Yami, my homestay sister, even takes night classes so that she can get a business degree and support her baby. It’s all so inspiring and filled with hope.

Cuenca is very beautiful! There are dozens of scenic parks and even one that has “outdoor workout machines” (I will be exploring that workout option soon so stay posted). The “winter” weather perfectly hits 70 every day (even though the cuencans dress like it is going to snow!) and I think the sky gets just a little bluer J. The most bizarre adjustment though is the 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night. I get done with classes at 6pm when it is already getting dark, and by 6:30 everything is black (this is how I found myself lost). Luckily though, everyone takes a 3 hour lunch break in the middle of the day which allows for ample exploring time in the sunshine.

I’m learning so much, and as I get more and more adventurous am starting to see so many colorful places in Cuenca. My Spanish classes are helping me little by little eliminate some of the language barriers and it’s also very special bonding with my homestay family as they help me with my homework.

Looking for angels in every person and place as my mom instructed, and I am slowly finding my way.

Lots of love from Ecuador,


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